Wednesday, July 10, 2013

An Enviro Cloth worth having

I just wanted to put my personal "story" review on the Enviro Cloth because I am feeling particularly grateful for it today.  I know, that sounds a little crazy, right???  Well, I don't always love to clean but I always love to be clean!  Which translates to I love to clean (I guess)  That might be interesting for so many people to hear.  I love to organize, that too might seem a little daunting to hear, but messiness and chaos are really hard for me to handle.  SO, cleaning and organizing, I just love!  

OKKKKKK with that being said, As I became a Norwex consultant I asked a  lot of questions.  I would think most would, right?  Does it really work?  Everyone said yes but still I had to find out for myself.   I have tested these magic rags over and over again trying to see if it will fail.  It NEVER does.

Several weeks ago I tested it out in my toilet.  Yes, my toilet.  I swabbed my toilet, it was dirty and bacteria was found in it.  Shocker, right??  Then I cleaned it with my enviro cloth and THEN EVEN WIPED MY BATHROOM COUNTER WITH THE SAME ENVIRO CLOTH I HAD JUST CLEANED OUT THE INSIDE OF MY TOILET WITH!!!!!  YUK, right?!?!?!?!?!?!?!   Then I took out my trusty swab test and tested the inside of the toilet AND the counter.  IT CAME OUT CLEAN!  I have to say that I was a little surprised.  I know I shouldn't have been but I was!  I was sold, again!  I guess sometimes you have to have reminders and that was mine.

Ok, now onto the reason I am grateful for the cloth today....

My little 1 and 1/2 year old was sick.  Vomiting up everything he was putting in his mouth, it was very sad to see his little face.  He was so uncomfortable.  Anyway, after the first time he threw up I picked him up, cleaned him, took care of him and them came to conquer the mess.... it was big mess!  So, like anyone I decided I was going to use this opportunity to test out my rags, yet again.  I guess the toilet thing wasn't enough to persuade me. Silly me!  I cleaned up the vomit with the rag.  I rinsed it out a few times and even cleaned the carpet where he threw up on.  I got out a swab to test the area.  Again, I wiped down the area one last time and tested it. I was nervous.  WHY????  Who knows!  I was sure it wasn't going to work or come out clean.  BUT it did!  It came out clean.  The solution was cleaner than clean and I was shocked!  I shouldn't have been.  I thought I knew these cloths were awesome, but I guess I still doubted and didn't know it.  However, I believe it now.  The rest of the day was filled with TONS more throw up accidents.  My son would NOT stop throwing up and I have carpet everywhere in my home.  (*Note to self, next home I have will have wood flooring!!!)  My home could have smelled like a big vomit mess or cleaning product mixed with vomit (I hate that combo).  When my husband came home he said he couldn't smell a thing.  I only cleaned with my enviro cloth!  NO CHEMICALS.  I was so grateful!  I know when I am sick the strong smell of chemicals, no matter how much they are masked with a pretty fragrance, is pretty uncomfortable smelling.  This is one more reason to love these awesome cloths.  I LOVE THEM!  I'm grateful I didn't have to chemical up my home to clean all the vomit from everything and I'm grateful that my cloths took out the stains, and the messiness that come with being sick.  

I love to have a clean home, let me emphasize that again!  I LOVE it, I need it for my sanity!  Norwex has made my cleaning life so much easier, faster and SAFER!  Not only that but my little 1.5 year old can clean with me and he does.  AND he loves to do it.  I can give him a cleaning rag and let him clean along side me and I don't have to worry about it.  I am teaching my child from a young age to clean.  No, I don't think he will always want to clean... but at least I can do it without worrying about him getting into anything or smelling something harmful for him.  I love it.  That's just it, I DO!!

I hope you have a great day today!  Let me know what you think about your Norwex cloths.  If you don't have any and are interesting in purchasing some for yourself feel free to order here.  

Until next time!